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Playstation 3 PSN ID

NazgulAngMAR[] - brought to you by




Morning Blog world.

Sorry for the delay post guys. I was busy with… * later cerita * but first, our little ‘outing’

Venue: Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Gadong

It’s been a while since we lasted hangout with one another & yesterday pun was sikit sja. The others couldn’t make it – ada yang busy meeting someone’s parents, ada yang nada kereta & some ada yang INDA REPLY! – Haha… Anyway, the 5 of us came yesterday & it was great to see you guys again. I missed you.

#1: DausDillah. He still looks the same & yes, he's still 'you know' Hehe

#2: Amar - Mac Blogger - Same old me. But for some people, I seem to be gaining on weight + a new look for me =)

#3: Mr. Lim. Still kurus as very but now, he's rambut is longerrrr. Very + a brand new car mate?

#4: Rai - Ms.Gossip girl - The fastest coffee drinker ever! hahaa

#5: MY. Happy-go-lucky mate & yes, still an ABC. LOL

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Ok, Back to my ‘cerita.’ I was busy playing BFBC ONLINE! Spend the entire night playing BFBC online & it was worth it. I kid you not. I’ve reached level 3 already & I did managed to be the 2nd top killer in one match. Sniping rocks!

My weapon of choice/ class :

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21st July - 'The Dark Knight' Batman movie. Anyone interested? Just text me up.

and before Uni re-opens, I decided that we ALL should go out for steamboat at iLotus. Will update you guys more on that one, about the price & time & date =)

What say you?

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